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Web Design Glossary

The A-Z glossary for marketers and designers to stay in the know
A/B Testing
[ey-bee tes-ting]
A comparative experiment between two variants of a webpage or app to determine which version performs better for a given conversion goal.
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Above the Fold
[uh-buhv thuh fohld]
The portion of a webpage that is visible to visitors without scrolling, derived from newspaper terminology where the top half of the folded front page was most visible.
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The practice of designing websites and digital content to be usable by all people, regardless of their abilities, disabilities, or assistive technologies used.
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A vertically stacked list of headers that expand or collapse to reveal associated content panels when clicked.
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Tools and methods for collecting, measuring, and analyzing website data to understand user behavior and improve digital experiences.
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Anchor Scroll
[ang-ker skrohl]
A navigation technique that smoothly scrolls the webpage to specific sections when clicking on links, creating a seamless user experience.
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Application Programming Interface (API)
A set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate and share data with each other.
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The process of verifying a user's identity through credentials or other verification methods to grant access to a system or resource.
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The server-side of a website or application that processes data, manages databases, and handles business logic, invisible to end users.
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The maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over an internet connection in a given time period, typically measured in bits per second.
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Bounce Rate
[bouns reyt]
The percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page, without any further interaction or navigation to other pages.
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A secondary navigation aid that shows users their current location within a website's hierarchy and allows easy backtracking through parent pages.
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Specific screen widths where a website's layout and design adapt to provide the optimal viewing experience across different devices.
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Build Process
[bild pro-ses]
The process of compiling, bundling, and optimizing web application code to create a production-ready version for deployment.
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The process of combining multiple code files and assets into fewer optimized files to improve website loading speed and performance.
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Bus Factor
[buhs fak-ter]
The minimum number of team members who need to be hit by a bus for a project to be seriously impaired due to loss of knowledge.
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A temporary storage system that saves website data locally to reduce load times and server requests on subsequent visits.
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Call-to-Action (CTA)
A design element that prompts users to take a specific action, such as 'Sign Up,' 'Learn More,' or 'Buy Now.'
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Canonical URL
[kuh-non-i-kuhl yoo-ar-el]
A designated preferred version of a webpage URL that helps search engines identify and index the main version when multiple similar pages exist.
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A rotating slideshow element on a webpage that automatically cycles through multiple pieces of content, typically images or cards.
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Content Delivery Network (CDN)
A network of distributed servers that deliver web content to users based on their geographic location, improving speed and reliability.
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Color Scale
[kuhl-er skeyl]
A systematic sequence of colors that shows gradual transitions between hues, saturation, or brightness levels to create visual harmony and hierarchy.
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A lightweight method of packaging software applications and dependencies into standardized, portable units called containers for consistent deployment across environments.
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Content Management System (CMS)
A software application that allows users to create, edit, and manage digital content without requiring advanced technical knowledge.
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Conversion Rate (CVR)
[kuhn-vur-zhun reyt]
The percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up, or filling out a form.
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A small text file stored on a user's device that contains data about their browsing preferences and activity on a specific website.
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Core Web Vitals
Google's essential metrics, apart of their lighthouse score, that measure website performance through loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability to ensure optimal user experience.
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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
[kraws-awr-i-jin ri-sawrs shair-ing]
A security mechanism that allows web servers to specify which origins can access their resources through browser-enforced policies.
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CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
A style sheet language used to describe the presentation and formatting of HTML documents on the web.
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Dark Pattern
[dahrk pat-ern]
A deceptive user interface design that tricks users into making unintended decisions or actions that benefit the website owner.
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[dih-pen-duh n-seez]
External code packages or modules that a software project requires to function properly, managed through package managers like npm or yarn.
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The process of publishing and making a website or web application live and accessible on the internet through a web server or hosting platform.
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A hierarchical naming system that translates human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses.
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DOM (Document Object Model)
A programming interface that represents web documents as a tree structure of objects, allowing scripts to dynamically access and modify webpage content.
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Dwell Time
[dwel tahym]
The length of time a visitor spends viewing a webpage before returning to the search engine results page (SERP).
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Dynamic Content
[dahy-nam-ik kon-tent]
Web content that automatically updates or adapts based on user behavior, preferences, or other variables without requiring page reloads.
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A fundamental building block of HTML that defines the structure and content of a webpage, typically consisting of opening and closing tags.
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A URL or URI where an API can be accessed to perform specific actions or retrieve data from a service or system.
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Engagement Rate
[en-geyj-muhnt reyt]
A metric that measures the level of interaction between users and digital content, expressed as a percentage of total audience reach.
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Environment Variables
[en-vahy-ruhn-muhnt vehr-ee-uh-buhlz]
Configuration values stored outside of application code that control application behavior and protect sensitive information across different environments.
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Feature Flags
[fee-cher flagz]
Configuration toggles that allow developers to enable, disable, or modify features in software without changing or deploying code.
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First Contentful Paint (FCP)
[furst kuhn-tent-fuhl peynt]
A performance metric that measures the time from when a page starts loading to when any part of the page's content is rendered on screen.
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First Input Delay (FID)
[furst in-put dih-ley]
A Core Web Vital that measures the time between a user's first interaction and the browser's response, indicating a site's interactivity.
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Form Abandonment Rate
[fawrm uh-ban-duhn-muhnt reyt]
The percentage of users who start filling out a form but leave before completing and submitting it.
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A pre-written collection of standardized code and tools that provides a foundation for developing software applications efficiently.
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The client-side, user-facing part of a website or application that handles presentation, user interface, and direct user interactions.
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A distributed version control system that tracks changes in source code during software development, enabling multiple developers to work collaboratively on projects.
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GPU Acceleration
[jee-pee-yoo ak-sel-uh-rey-shuhn]
A technique that offloads graphics-intensive tasks from the CPU to the GPU, enabling smoother animations and better website performance.
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Grid System
[grid sis-tuhm]
A structured framework of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines used to organize content and create consistent, balanced layouts in design.
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Hamburger Menu
[ham-bur-ger men-yoo]
A three-lined button icon that toggles the visibility of a navigation menu, commonly used in responsive web design and mobile interfaces.
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Heat Map
[heet map]
A visual representation of website user behavior that uses color coding to display areas of high and low interaction, such as clicks, scrolls, and mouse movements.
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Hero Section
[hee-roh sek-shun]
The topmost section of a webpage that serves as an introduction to the content below. It is the first thing visitors see when they land on your website.
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A protocol that enables communication between web browsers and servers, allowing the transfer of data across the internet.
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The process of making server-rendered HTML interactive by attaching JavaScript event listeners and state to the static markup.
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Image Optimization
[im-ij op-tuh-mahy-zey-shun]
The process of reducing image file sizes while maintaining acceptable visual quality to improve website performance and user experience.
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Infinite Scroll
[in-fuh-nit skrohl]
A web design technique that continuously loads content as users scroll down a page, creating a seamless browsing experience without pagination.
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Information Architecture
[in-fer-mey-shuhn ahr-ki-tek-cher]
The practice of organizing, structuring, and labeling content in digital products to help users find information and complete tasks efficiently.
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Input Validation
[in-poot val-i-dey-shuhn]
The process of checking and verifying user-submitted data to ensure it meets specified format, type, and security requirements before processing.
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A high-level, interpreted programming language that enables interactive and dynamic content on websites and applications.
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A lightweight, text-based data format that's easy for humans to read and write, and simple for machines to parse and generate.
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Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
[kee per-fawr-muhns in-duh-key-ter]
A measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a website or digital initiative is achieving key business objectives.
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Key Frame
[kee freym]
A specific point in an animation sequence that defines the starting and ending points of any smooth transition.
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Landing Page
[lan-ding peyj]
A standalone web page specifically designed to convert visitors into leads or customers through focused content and clear calls-to-action.
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Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
[lahr-jist kuhn-tent-fl peynt]
A Core Web Vital metric that measures the time it takes for the largest content element to become visible within the viewport.
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Lazy Loading
[ley-zee loh-ding]
A web optimization technique that defers loading non-essential resources until they're needed, improving initial page load times and conserving bandwidth.
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Lead Magnet
[leed mag-nit]
A valuable free resource offered to potential customers in exchange for their contact information, typically used for lead generation and email list building.
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A collection of pre-written code that developers can reuse to perform common programming tasks and add functionality to applications.
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Lighthouse Score
[lahyt-hous skawr]
A performance measurement tool by Google that evaluates websites across performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO metrics.
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Local Storage
[loh-kuhl stawr-ij]
A web storage solution that allows websites to store data persistently in a user's browser with no expiration date.
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Main Thread
[meyn thred]
The primary processing thread in a browser that handles JavaScript execution, DOM updates, and user interactions.
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Structured information that describes, explains, or makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage other data.
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Small, purposeful animations or visual responses triggered by user actions that provide feedback and enhance the interactive experience of digital interfaces.
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Software that acts as a bridge between different applications, operating systems, or services, facilitating communication and data management between disparate systems.
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The process of reducing code file size by removing unnecessary characters and formatting without changing its functionality.
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[moh-bahyl furst]
A design approach that prioritizes creating websites for mobile devices first, then progressively enhancing them for larger screens.
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A dialog box or popup window that appears on top of the main content, requiring user interaction before returning to the main interface.
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A system of menus, links, and pathways that allows users to move between different pages and sections of a website.
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Net Promoter Score (NPS)
[net pruh-moh-ter skor]
A customer loyalty metric that measures the likelihood of customers recommending a product or service to others, using a 0-10 scale.
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Open Graph
[oh-puh n graf]
A protocol that enables web pages to become rich objects in social media platforms by defining how content should be displayed when shared.
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The process of making a website or application as efficient and effective as possible through various technical improvements and refinements.
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Organic Traffic
[awr-gan-ik traf-ik]
Website visitors who find and access your site through unpaid search engine results or natural, non-paid methods.
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Package Manager
[pak-ij man-i-jer]
A tool that automates the process of installing, updating, configuring, and removing software dependencies in development projects.
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Page Load Time
[peyj lohd tahym]
The total time it takes for a web page to fully load and become interactive in a user's browser after they request it.
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A system for dividing digital content into discrete pages, allowing users to navigate through large sets of information sequentially.
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Detailed profiles of fictional users that represent distinct user groups, based on research and real user behavior patterns.
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Progressive Enhancement
[pruh-gres-iv en-hans-muhnt]
A web design approach that builds a base experience for all users, then adds advanced features for browsers that support them.
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QR Code
[kyoo-ahr kohd]
A two-dimensional barcode that can be quickly read by digital devices to store and transmit data like URLs, text, or other information.
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Query String
[kweer-ee string]
A part of a URL that contains data parameters in key-value pairs, used to pass information between web pages or to customize page content.
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Rate Limit
[reyt lim-it]
A threshold that controls how many requests a user or client can make to a server within a specified time period.
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The process of restructuring existing code to improve its quality and maintainability while preserving its functionality.
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A sequence of characters defining a search pattern used for string matching, validation, and text manipulation in programming.
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Responsive Design
[ri-spon-siv di-zahyn]
A web design approach that ensures websites adapt and respond to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal viewing experience.
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Return Visitor Rate
[ri-turn viz-i-ter reyt]
The percentage of website visitors who return to a site after their initial visit, indicating user engagement and content value.
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The process of determining how different URLs and paths in a website map to specific content or pages, controlling navigation and content display.
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The period and environment during which a computer program is executing, including all resources and conditions needed for program operation.
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Code files or blocks that enable dynamic functionality and interactivity on websites through programming languages like JavaScript.
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Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
[sur-ver-sahyd ren-der-ing]
A web rendering method where the server processes and generates HTML for each request, enabling dynamic content and improved initial load times.
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Session Duration
[sesh-un doo-rey-shun]
The length of time a user spends actively engaged with a website during a single visit, from their first interaction to their last.
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Site Map
[sahyt map]
A hierarchical list or diagram that shows the structure and organization of all pages within a website.
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[ess-kyoo-el] or [see-kwuhl]
A standardized programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases, enabling data storage, retrieval, and modification.
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SSL Certificate
[es-es-el sur-tif-i-kit]
A digital certificate that authenticates a website's identity and enables encrypted connections between web servers and browsers.
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Static Content
[sta-tik kon-tent]
Web content that remains fixed and unchanged between user interactions, served directly from a server without real-time processing or database queries.
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Time on Page
[tahym on peyj]
A web analytics metric that measures the duration a user spends actively viewing a specific webpage before navigating away.
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Time to Interactive (TTI)
[tahym tu in-ter-ak-tiv]
A performance metric that measures the time it takes for a webpage to become fully interactive and responsive to user input.
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Total Blocking Time (TBT)
[toh-tuhl blok-ing tahym]
A performance metric that measures the total time between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive when the main thread is blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness.
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URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
A standardized address format that identifies and locates resources on the internet, such as web pages, images, or files.
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User Agent
[yoo-zer ey-juhnt]
A string of text that identifies a browser, operating system, and device when making requests to web servers.
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UX (User Experience)
[yoo-eks] or [yoo-zur ik-speer-ee-uhns]
The overall experience and satisfaction a user has when interacting with a product, system, or service, encompassing usability, accessibility, and emotional response.
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User Flow
[yoo-zer floh]
A step-by-step path that users follow through a website or application to complete a specific task or achieve a goal.
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UI (User Interface)
The visual elements and interactive components of a digital product that users engage with to navigate and accomplish tasks.
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Variable Font
[vair-ee-uh-buhl font]
A single font file that contains multiple variations of a typeface, allowing dynamic adjustment of attributes like weight, width, and slant.
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The visible area of a web page on a user's device screen, which varies by device size and determines how content is displayed.
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Visual Hierarchy
[vizh-oo-uhl hahy-rahr-kee]
The arrangement of design elements in order of importance, guiding users' attention and creating a clear path through content.
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An automated message sent from one application to another when specific events occur, enabling real-time data transfer and integration between systems.
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White Space
[wahyt speys]
The empty space between design elements in a layout, used to create visual hierarchy, improve readability, and enhance overall user experience.
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XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)
[eks-es-es] or [kros sayt skrip-ting]
A security vulnerability where malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites, allowing attackers to steal data or manipulate user interactions.
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A markup language that structures data in a hierarchical format using custom tags, enabling data sharing between different systems and applications.
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A human-readable data serialization language commonly used for configuration files and frontmatter in static site generators.
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A visual design pattern that traces the natural eye movement of users scanning content in a path that resembles the letter Z.
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[zee-roh steyt]
The initial empty state of an interface or component when no user data or content exists yet, requiring specific design considerations to guide users.
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