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The Web Design Glossary



Scripts are pieces of code that execute instructions to make web pages interactive and dynamic. They can be written in various programming languages, with JavaScript being the most common for web browsers. Scripts enable everything from simple button animations to complex web applications.

Types of Scripts

Client-Side Scripts

These run in the user’s browser and handle interactions like form validation, animations, and dynamic content updates. JavaScript is the primary language for client-side scripting, though modern frameworks and build tools often transform other languages into JavaScript.

Server-Side Scripts

Running on the web server, these scripts process data, interact with databases, and generate dynamic content before sending it to the browser. Languages like PHP, Python, and Node.js are common for server-side scripting.

Script Implementation Methods

Inline Scripts

<button onclick="alert('Hello!')">Click me</button>

Internal Scripts

  function sayHello() {

External Scripts

<script src="/path/to/script.js"></script>

Modern Script Management with Astro

Astro, our framework of choice at CRFT Studio, takes a unique approach to script management through its “partial hydration” model. This approach allows developers to control exactly when JavaScript is loaded and executed, leading to better performance and user experience.

Astro Client Directives

Astro provides several client directives for controlling script loading:

  • client:load: Loads and executes JavaScript immediately
  • client:idle: Waits for the browser to be idle
  • client:visible: Loads when the component enters the viewport
  • client:media: Loads based on media query matches
  • client:only: Renders only on the client side

Example usage:

<InteractiveComponent client:visible />

Script Performance Optimization

Modern web development emphasizes script optimization through:

These techniques, many of which are automatically handled by Astro, ensure that scripts enhance rather than hinder website performance.

Best Practices

When working with scripts, it’s important to:

  1. Load scripts strategically to minimize impact on page load
  2. Use modern ES6+ features when browser support allows
  3. Implement error handling and logging
  4. Consider accessibility implications
  5. Test across different browsers and devices

Scripts remain a fundamental part of modern web development, enabling the rich, interactive experiences users expect while requiring careful consideration for performance and user experience.