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Audited URL: https://docyt.com
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Note 1 - Mobile banner

Unwrap the banner text such that it occupies a single, horizontally scrolling line. This way, the text will not push the rest of the content further down the screen.

Note 2 - Mobile navigation

Add the “Schedule a Demo” button inside the mobile navigation. This ensures visitors will be able to express their interest in Docyt no matter their current scroll position.

Note 3 - Social proof

Display your Capterra and App Store ratings immediately on page load, in addition to those from GetApp and G2. This helps establish social proof and credibility with new website visitors, and encourages them to scroll down.

Note 4 - H1 text

Shorten the heading to minimize the time it takes visitors to understand what Docyt is.

Note 5 - Hero image

Showcase an image of Docyt to allow visitors to visualize what the heading and subtitle are describing. To accommodate the narrower dimensions of mobile devices, this image will be of the iOS app.

Docyt before
Docyt after
Send Bars
Audited URL: https://sendbars.com
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Note 1 - Hero image

Showcase an image of one of the bars, and the outcome they sell as high up on the page as possible. This immediately makes it easier for your visitors to understand who you are and what you make without having to dig. Additionally, the picture of the bar should have the wrapper slightly torn off (without removing branding) so as to display what the very thing people will put in their mouth looks like.

Note 2 - H1 and subtitle

Update your title and subtitle to be more descriptive. The title introduces the product within its particular use case, and the subtitle explains how it provides its value.

Note 3 - CTA button

Direct your visitor’s attention where you want it with full-width buttons. The call-to-action is most effective through the use of verbs.

Note 4 - Customer reviews

Showcase your customer reviews, with their profile pictures, under the CTA. This builds trust and credibility early on, and removes hesitation in clicking the button.

Note 5 - Nutritional claims

Feature all the nutritional claims/certifications in a horizontally scrolling bar. This is another way to illustrate what makes your bars better than others on the market.

Send Bars before
Send Bars after
Audited URL: https://privy.com
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Note 1 - Mobile navigation

Add a sign-up CTA to the navigation menu. This ensures a visitor can instantly try Privy no matter their scroll position on the site, and is constantly reminding them of their ability to do so.

Note 2 - H1 text

Make the heading more visually prominent by increasing its font size, and align the rest of the content's width with that of the navigation menu's.

Note 3 - CTA buttons

Direct your visitor's attention towards trying Privy with bold, full-width buttons. As the primary CTA redirects to Privy's listing on the Shopify App Store, its text can be renamed from 'One-click signup with Shopify' to a shorter 'Add to Shopify.' The secondary CTA, labeled 'Not on Shopify? Sign up here' may lead a small, albeit non-zero number of visitors to think that clicking this would lead to signing up for Shopify and not Privy. To clarify the intent of the secondary CTA, rename it to 'Not on Shopify? Try Privy here' for those who use other eCommerce platforms.

Note 4 - Social proof

Showcase some of the store/customer profile pictures from your reviews for added credibility, and feature Privy's average star rating from the Shopify App Store alongside it.

Note 5 - Hero image

Display an image whose association to the heading can be understood at a glance. In this instance, that would be a view of a shopper's device as they receive emails and SMS messages from a brand that uses Privy to send them.

Privy before
Privy after
Audited URL: https://servemeco.com
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Note 1 - Mobile navigation

Place a “Request a demo” button inside the navigation menu. This ensures that visitors have the option to readily provide you with their information, no matter their current scroll position on the website.

Note 2 - Social proof

Display a form of social proof further up the page to more immediately build credibility with your visitors.

Note 3 - Background image

Darken the restaurant background image to ensure that text always remains legible. Here, I darkened the background slightly more than required for legibility, and added concentrated lighting to the text with the goal of giving a luxury restaurant “feel” to the website.

Note 4 - Mobile hero image

Showcase the serVme platform as high up on the page as possible, just as your users will see it when using it. This further solidifies the visitor’s understanding of who you are and what you do, which they can only partially receive from reading a headline and subtitle.

Note 5 - Desktop navigation

Move the “Login” link beside the “Request a demo” button, and move the rest of the navigation links to the center of the screen. This adds separation to the navigation menu, and ensures visitors will not be overwhelmed by the number of buttons and links beside one another - allowing them to quickly process which they’d like to click.

Note 6 - Desktop hero image

To account for serVme’s other capabilites beyond table management; screenshots of restaurant analytics and CRM data can also be included here. For example, the table management screen inside the tablet can change to a different screen as the website visitor scrolls down. This approach would ensure that visitors can process each image at a time, without being overwhelmed by everything serVme can do all at once.

serVme before
serVme after
Henry James Legal
Audited URL: https://henryjameslegal.com
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Note 1 - Mobile navigation

Place a “Contact us” button inside the navigation menu, and give it sticky positioning. This ensures that visitors can always reach out, no matter their scroll position on the website.

Note 2 - H1 text

Immediately communicate your value proposition to your visitors right as they land on the page. This is accomplished with a bold heading and description on a white background, ensuring they are legible.

Note 3 - CTA buttons

Display a call-to-action spanning the full width of the display, encouraging your visitors to engage with your firm.

Note 4 - Hero image

Showcase a professional image of yourself to humanize your brand and leave visitors with a good impression. Here, the portrait on your current site was edited to include a courthouse in the background, ensuring it fits the description of a lawyer.

Note 5 - Social proof

Feature snippets from your testimonials under the portrait of yourself, further establishing credibility and authority with your visitors.

Note 6 - Desktop navigation

Build additional pages to substantiate your offering (each of which will rank in search), and feature them in the navigation menu.

Note 7 - Practice areas

Showcase your practice areas directly below the first section of the page, as this is information that visitors will likely want to know before reading a multi-paragraph bio of yourself.

Henry James Legal before
Henry James Legal after